Wednesday 19 March 2014

Card tips: Full House!

Select 2 face-up Spell/Trap Cards (except this card) and 3 Set Spell/Trap Cards. Destroy the selected cards

A long forgotten card which was released in the Extreme Victory set on April the 30th, this card had stayed under the radar ever since due to its difficult activation condition. However,
as Meta nowadays was full of Fire fists and Gravekeepers, this card can be a very deadly addition to the side deck to fight those decks. 
For the Firefists, this card can also be used to their advantages. By destroying 2 of their own fire formations spell and traps, the player is also able to eradicate the opponents backrow, provide a smooth path for bear to launch a direct attack, granting the player another fire formation spell/traps when it hits successfully.  

This card can also be very powerful against Gravekeeper's, particularly if the opponent had their entire hand set to prevent you from seeing it with Royal Tribute.
Crystal beasts is also greatly benefited from this cards, as they are able to gather face-up spells rather easily through their monsters' effects, and their field spell would prevent them from being destroyed by card effects, making this card highly effective in the deck.   

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